So, I have officially become the parent who bribes her child to eat by promising gifts. Jeremiah received a toy from my parents for Valentine's Day that he already had. I told him we could go this weekend to exchange it, and he was none too happy to hear that. He wanted to go RIGHT NOW. We're at dinner Monday night, and we were having pancakes and bacon. Jeremiah was complaining about wanting the toy RIGHT NOW, and I did it. I made the proverbial deal with the devil, crossed the parental line of no return. I told him that if he would eat half (yeah, half) a slice of bacon, I'd take him the next afternoon to get a toy. And he did it.
So what, you say. It's just bacon. And half a slice at that. But, for those of you who know and love my little Smooch, this was the equivalent of scaling Mt. Everest in a pair of $2.00 Old Navy flip flops. And he said he liked it! Now, I suffer no hallucinations that he'll actually eat another piece any time in the foreseeable future, but for one shining, glorious moment, I saw a future beyond Pop Tarts, hot cereal, and McDonald's Chicken McNuggets. And it was good.
I love it--that he ate the bacon and that he actually accepted your bribe. I have tried to bribe him before and he refused. When did he get the shooter? He did not have one the last time he was here and wanted one desperately!!!
What is it with little guys and bacon? Andrew won't eat it either, but I know if he tried it, he'd love it. We are NOT above bribery either, by any stretch of the imagination.
Yeah, I mean seriously, who doesn't love bacon?
You have a kid that only eats 3 things? What kind of mother are you?? Hahaha...oh I crack myself up sometimes. Corena and Jeremiah didn't fall far from the same picky eating tree.
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