The Warrior Pose
Friday, April 1, 2011
Sometimes, there is sadness.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
And this pretty much explains why I don't cook

- The deciding what exactly I am going to cook part. Menu planning. Snore city.
- The going shopping for ingredients I am never going to use again part. Dried mustard seed anyone? Anyone ever using that again?
- The cutting up of things part. Paring knives are not my friends. Neither are peelers.
- The touching of raw meat part. There is probably some sort of mathematical equation to sum up how the more I have to touch raw meet the less likely I am to want to eat it later.
- The mess left on the stove that my husband won't clean up part.
- The having tons of dishes to wash part. See above about husband not cleaning part.
- The my kids saying "What's this", and "I don't like (insert crap food I made here)"
- The having leftovers that I know I won't eat but make me feel vaguely guilty part.
- The having to dispose of those leftovers weeks later and seeing what has become of them part and again feeling non-virtuous and like I am wasting the planet's natural resources because I don't like leftover squash and noodle casserole.
- Um, nothing. I don't even usually like what I cooked, and even if I do, the things I hate about the experience far outweigh the possible food goodness. Because I can achieve food goodness from opening a bag of potato chips and eating them with lots of dip and there is little to no clean up from that.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Happy Birthday.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Slowly easing back in.....

Thursday, June 24, 2010
I think my kids are absolutely stunning
Friday, May 7, 2010
Can you believe I actually made these?
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
What we've been doing

Here we are on our Easter cruise to Mexico. It was a lovely, albeit very short, very crowded trip and we got to visit some Mayan ruins, which the kids could have cared less about. We did, however, learn from our guide that the movie 2012 got it all wrong. Sure, the Mayan calendar is ending on December whatever in 2012, but that's just the current calendar, which has been going for 5000 years. At the end of it, another 5000 year one starts. Or something like that. But I'm breathing easier now, and I'm sure you are too.
Here we have Riley running in her first ever race. Winchester has their Apple Blossom Festival every year and one of the events is the Kids' Bloomin Mile. Despite no prior running for a purpose experience, Riley decided to enter and actually did pretty well. She placed 48th in her age group, 8 and 9 year old girls, with a time of 8:58. I know I'd be hard pressed to run a mile in under nine minutes (Wait, let me stop lying. I've be hard pressed to run a mile, period), so I'm giving her mad props. "You better work (cover girl), work it girl (give it a twirl). Do your thing...." And yes, I just quoted a RuPaul song. What of it?
And lastly, cause I'm lazy and getting tired of cutting and pasting pictures from Facebook (shaddup, I'm at work, not at home where I have easier access to my pictures. Sorry Dad. I do work, really, I do), here's Ally at the above mentioned Apple Blossom Festival Grand Feature Parade. Doesn't she look totally Small Town America? And adorable?
So folks, I am still alive and kicking. I think of my 2 or 3 faithful readers often. Hope you are all doing well. And with that I say, Seacrest out. And I'm not even watching American Idol this year.